Walt: Compare and contrast within and between texts.

Hello bloggers today i am working on a winter sport called curling. It is a complex game with a team of 2. 1 will brush the ice and the other will throw the disk and  try land it in a place called home and try get it into the button ( the middle)

Description of text 1 : simple guide and basics of curling

Description of text 2: an exciting game of Olympics.

Description of text 3: Facts and rules and an explanation on how the game works.

the flow chart is used to add in certain events in er. Reflection: i did not like this create task because it was long and time consuming and

it was hard to find the events and order.

Hello blogger’s. For today’s create task i am doing a task called identify. So this task is a what if. So it asks you if a person in a wheelchair wants to play. That means you need to make certain changes. i thought about what to change in both roles the person who brushes and the person who slides the disk. Here are my changes. Reflection: i love doing this create task it is very fun and simple i wanna see this create task a lot more.


Hello bloggers for create task 3 i am making a uniform for curling.  I added in extra adjustments so it can be more efficient and worth buying. It  would be really good for the sport i hope you like it.

Reflection: i loved this created because it was fun to make are very own customised uniform.





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