Curling Term 3 week 8

Walt: Compare and contrast within and between texts.

Hello bloggers today i am working on a winter sport called curling. It is a complex game with a team of 2. 1 will brush the ice and the other will throw the disk and  try land it in a place called home and try get it into the button ( the middle)

Description of text 1 : simple guide and basics of curling

Description of text 2: an exciting game of Olympics.

Description of text 3: Facts and rules and an explanation on how the game works.

the flow chart is used to add in certain events in er. Reflection: i did not like this create task because it was long and time consuming and

it was hard to find the events and order.

Hello blogger’s. For today’s create task i am doing a task called identify. So this task is a what if. So it asks you if a person in a wheelchair wants to play. That means you need to make certain changes. i thought about what to change in both roles the person who brushes and the person who slides the disk. Here are my changes. Reflection: i love doing this create task it is very fun and simple i wanna see this create task a lot more.


Hello bloggers for create task 3 i am making a uniform for curling.  I added in extra adjustments so it can be more efficient and worth buying. It  would be really good for the sport i hope you like it.

Reflection: i loved this created because it was fun to make are very own customised uniform.





Ice hockey 🧊🏒 Term 3 week 7

Hello bloggers today for this week for reading i will be focusing on the winter sport ice hockey 🧊🏒.

Walt: compare  and contrast within and between texts

Description of text 1: Rules and guide to ice hockey. 3

Description of text 2:  An Olympic round of ice hockey.

Description of text 3: rules and history of ice hockey.

For today’s create task is a flow chart. The flow chart is similar to a timeline.

Reflection: i enjoyed this create task because it was pretty simple.


Hello bloggers for today’s create task is making your own equipment. To make my shoes or skates for ice hockey i used regular skates as my base design and added in a little touches. i also had a little fun so i designed it to make it an icy type of vibe. I really enjoyed  the final results i hope you like it. Reflection: i really like making this  i hope i get to see more task like this

Reflection: this was very fun to make. It was simple and easy i hope i see more tasks.

drive safely

Hello bloggers. For PB4L today we were learning how to cross safely and drive safely so parents  followed the rules. so we had to design posters so the teachers would put them around the school for parents to see.  We hope the parents will follow the rules now. 😁 this is the poster I created. ( see capybara agency please ) 😉

safe drive by Jarred Evangelista

Capybara agency war!!!!!!

Hello bloggers today for writing we are doing narratives. we learned about introductions,settings,characters,problems,solution, capybara agency is a piece of work my greatest creation. it took me weeks hours and days maybe a month. It is a complex story that is action,a bit of horror,and a comedy.  In other words I took ages to make this please give me any feedback or anything I need to work on. I hope you like my story.

Create task term 3 week 6

Walt: relate ideas to own experiences  and wider.

Hello bloggers. This week I was reading about a book called sports day. it is a tale about how a girl is not  confident when playing sports that all changed when she tries. For today’s create task i did a story map that includes, title,characters,setting,problem,solution enjoy my  work 😉 reflection: i liked this create task because it was quick and simple so i can get to create task 2 quickly.

hello bloggers for today’s create task we need to create and alternative ending to our story.

reflection: I hope I get to see more task like this in the future because we get to be creative.

create task term 3 week 5

Walt: relate ideas to own experiences and wider worlds.

Description of text 1: guide on how to play football

Description of text 2: results of a great fight.

Description of text 3: Important rules you should know when playing football.

Hello bloggers for today’s week I will be working on a story called my dad a soccer ( Football) star. For today’s create task I was writing ( Typing) about the problem,Characters, solution,setting, and of course the title.

Enjoy my work =0

Welcome  to capy news. For to days feed Is the famous father better t hen Pele ronaldo and messi combined. This is create task 2 full of thrills and full sentences answers enjoy 😉
reflection: this was really fun to do and pretty easy i  wanna see more create task like this soon.

beach volleyball 2


Hello bloggers today I am learning about beach  volleyball.  So for create task 2 I decided to use Canva docs and wrote summary’s of my journal texts.

Walt:skim read to locate specific information.

Description of text 1: Rules and information of volleyball

Description of text 2: battle of two countries in a beach volleyball round.

Description of text 3: History of beach volleyball.

my work is above. :0